
The 6022 token is required for insurers to interact with the protocol, including paying fees to initiate smart contracts.

Policyholders earn 6022 tokens as rewards for adhering to the protocol, incentivizing compliance and responsible behavior.

All fees for using the protocol (e.g., smart contract creation fees) are paid in 6022, ensuring the token’s active role within the ecosystem.

Token adress : 0xCDB1DDf9EeA7614961568F2db19e69645Dd708f5
Available on Polygon - Uniswap - USDC / 6022

Total supply : 1,000,000,000 $6022 tokens

No hidden fees

No buying or selling taxes

Contract ownership burned

100% of token were available on the liquidity pool UNISWAP at day 1

No pre-sale

No minting
No burning
No stacking

The only way to get $6022 tokens is to buy them. All tokens in circulation were initially acquired from the liquidity pool

The 6022 token is a utility token and does not grant any rights of any kind other than to use the 6022 protocol. It is not a cryptocurrency. The token's price is entirely determined by the market. Trading for speculative purposes is strongly discouraged.